Green Globe Artichokes

Lusciously round hearty green globe artichokes- oh man, my mouth is already watering! We started our seeds about a year ago, and after eight long months, perched above silvery tinted green leaves and thick stalks, solid fleshy buds began to appear. First one, than another, and after awhile, an explosion of tasty chokes!

The green globes are generally bright green all around or have a purplish tint. These are perennial plants in Zones 6 and up and form gigantic thistly, yet fragile, foliage. In well-drained soil, with some doses of fish emulsion fertilizer and homemade organic aphid spray, the artichokes seem to thrive in our southern California climate.

I can’t stand it any longer- running out now to pick some for dinner. Bon appétit à moi!



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